EaseUS Partition Master Free questions & answers

Create, extend shrink, resize, move, delete, merge, & hide hard disk partitions
Question by Miloudy
May 9, 2017

When using Easus Partition Master to change FAT32 to NTFS my SD Card, this SD Card is not shown anymore in the list of drives/partitions (Explorer, Easeus Partition Master, Disks Manager). Need to enter the table to correct it using ptedit32.

Answer by Alex Urbach

I've found the software hosted on a OneDrive account. I've downloaded the application and it worked normally without issues. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is to launch the application as Administrator, else you will receive an error message saying that Error #5 starting the PowerQuest Engine.

You can download the software through the following link: https://goo.gl/3xu7hN

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Answer by Julia Bocchetta

This application is more than capable of managing your partitions and create their file systems, however, it does not have BIOS managing capabilities. The BIOS needs to be configured manually because you cannot alter the settings from Windows.

Use Easeus and format the partitions to DOS format then when you'll restart the computer, it will boot to DOS.

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Question by Guest
January 22, 2014

Program finished the job, but nothing happened. I am using Windows XP. All looks fine, but nothing has changed after I restarted the operating system. Is this normal?

Answer by Leonard Moore

Yes. The purpose of the program is to move and manage your hard disk space for optimal usage. After you run a partition process, you should notice an increased speed while accessing files or folder from hard drive. Even if you can't see a big difference, this kind of action is needed to be performed regularly on your system.

Answer by Russ L.Hamon

I can't believe no one has answered this easy question before now. The answer is yes you can repartition your drive with files on it. I have done it many times. But you must understand that every drive already has at least one partition to encompass the entire drive. When you repartition your drive you are taking and giving (or swapping) "free space" from one partition to another partition. Simply decide how much free space you need to run the OS comfortably and then put the rest of the free space as a new drive; remember to format your new drive before trying to use it. Peace and Love! Enjoy. 8)

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EASEUS Partition Master Unlimited

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